Prevent those embarrassing cheque bounces
Cash'eCat: manage money
managed money multiplies; unmanaged money disappears:
Manage so that
- None of your cheques bounce
- Your Money does not idle
Use Cash'eCat to track all your bank/cash balances to know when there is a shortage of cash. It has options to tell you when you have idle money enabling you to use your money more efficiently.
- Automatically derives the cash transactions from the repetitive cash flow definitions (like salaries/rents/utility payments etc)
- Flexibility to change any relevant value of any record
- Option to insert a record on any date
- A friendly worksheet to view the status
- Options to view summary makes it a handy tool
- Temporary exclusion option of any set of records adds to the flexibility
- Flag any set of records with option to exclude such flagged transactions
- Include as many banks as you have. Filter the worksheet for any specific account, any set of accounts or include all accounts
- Option to focus on what needs closer attention-days of minimum balance or the periods of excess idle cash
- Graphical view of your balances can be far more communicative.
Invest your time only when you need to:
There is no need to track the cash balances when your cash flow is balanced. You can re-start using Cash'eCat again whenever the cash flow needs your close attention. Enter the opening balances on the day when you start monitoring it. Edit your repetitive cash flow definitions and process for the required period. And you get your worksheet to manage your money.
The software does not expect any continuity of transactions. However, if there is continuity, Cash'eCat is able to derive the opening balance for each account as on any day.