A LOT more than Asset register & Depreciation:
AssetMax is designed to maximize your returns from asset management software. AssetMax documents your fixed assets and the transactions that are related to the fixed assets, generates alerts to inform you about asset events regarding AMCs, statutory procedures, service processes etc. This is in addition to the routine calculations and reporting of depreciation. Asset locations, cost centers, categorizations, users, suppliers, service providers are all linked to the assets enabling you not only to track your assets but also to ensure effective and efficient utilization and monitoring of their usage. Asset related transactions like services, upgrades, relocations etc can also be logged in. Alerts can help you ensure that your asset maintenance tasks are traceable, accountable and timely. AssetMax ensures minimal data entry while maximizing your outputs.
AssetMax maintains its data in the powerful MySQL database. The software works in a LAN environment. It has standard features of user configurable auto-backup, restore, external backup, LAN backup, data export/import options etc. Extensive user definable parameters ensure better generalization, greater perfection, easier customization and better reporting.
Controlled secure access prevents data corruption while ensuring data access to people who need to use and maintain the assets. Tree structured locations, classes and users greatly enhance the utility of AssetMax.
Depreciation calculations:
AssetMax provides for user definable asset blocks and depreciation rates. The depreciation rates can be entered separately for IT act and Co’s act. Depreciation calculations can be made independently for IT as on consecutive financial year-ends or for Co’s act, as on any date.
Depreciation reports:
Very flexible reporting system ensures that you get information the way you want it. Depreciation summary asset block wise, Location wise, Class wise or Department wise can be seen just by the flip of a selection. In addition, details can be seen location wise/Department wise/asset block wise or Asset block wise/department wise or asset block wise/location wise etc merely by flipping selections.
Individual asset wise depreciation can also be seen. Individual asset wise depreciation can be filtered to include only those assets purchased during the period or assets disposed during the period.
All outputs can be exported to standard PDF or spread sheet formats.
Asset reports:
Asset register can be printed through a very powerful filter. The filter includes asset class, asset block, location, user, department, supplier, date of purchase, date of sale, asset price, asset transaction date, asset element data etc.
There is a report to know the warranty/AMC status of your fixed assets.
There is also a report for asset transactions to know the asset related transactions for any specific period through an elaborate filter.
Asset elements:
Asset elements is another way of customizing your asset data. A class of assets can have properties that describe it better. For example, computers can have RAM, HDD, Processor, screen size etc as the defining elements. For Printers, it could be the printer-type, print speed etc. You can define these elements appropriate for a class of assets, enter the data specific to each asset and filter the data to know specifically where an asset with a particular value in one of those elements.
Asset attachments:
You can attach images, purchase bills, AMC contracts or even asset build plans as part of the asset record. You can attach any number of such files and view the contents of the file just by a click.
Asset transactions:
You could record any asset related event into AssetMax. Such transactions include asset relocations-movement from one location to another, asset upgrades, service issues, breakdowns, user changes, AMC renewals etc.
Search utility:
A simple yet very powerful search ensures that you are in control. You can search your asset data by any of the asset field values including asset narration, asset transaction narration, asset element value etc.
Email/SMS alerts for events like expiry of warranty/AMC, insurance of vehicles, reminders for other periodical maintenance etc can ensure that your valuable assets are utilized effectively and maintained appropriately.
Asset audit:
There is a provision to audit the assets. The audit will ensure that the assets on paper are physically present as per the asset records. All deviations will be brought out and the asset records can be accordingly updated.
Opening balance entry:
First time entry of prior years' data is provided for.