MD's Wisecat Help
WiseCat on the cloud:
Now your wisecat is more agile... You can get a lot of your wisecat data on your android mobile itself. You can even do many field tasks digitally from your mobile without carrying receipts and order books. They include:
View customer data of addresses, landmark etc..
View Party Outstandings, Party ledger, Party sales transactions
View Stock status
Accept customer orders
Receive payments
Track sales visits
Export field data back to the master database for billing, accounting etc
The mobile app requires internet connection only to import data into the mobile (to load the data every time it needs to be refreshed to the latest uploaded data) as well as to export the mobile data of orders and collections to the web as and when required. All other actions like taking orders and sending receipts etc can be done even in places without an internet connection.
How to get your wisecat data from your desktop selectively onto your mobile.
You or your sales/collection staff can now get essential data or even do most field tasks from your mobile itself. For data security reasons as well as for ease of operations, we have made this into a modular structure. The steps involved in this are:
1. Define your routes from Housekeeping/salesman/Route master
2. Create your Route plan from Housekeeping/salesman/Route plan
3. Download your android app onto your mobile/tablet.
4. Upload data to cloud as per the route plan for the running period from Process/WiseCat web upload.
5. Login to your app, download the current data and you are now a lot smarter, though alone, without even an internet connection, out in the field.
Route master
The data consists of the name of the route and the customers that are part of it.
Route plan
It is a salesman wise route schedule. One route may be frequented everyday by a salesman while another could be visited once a month. Accordingly, schedules are prepared for your field staff. The start date is also used to schedule the data upload.
The date defines the start date from which your data will be uploaded to the web. The frequency defines the frequency of that route.. a weekly frequency implies that the route is visited once in a week and a daily frequency is for routes that are visited on a daily basis. This data is used during upload. Only the applicable data is uploaded to the web during each upload.
WiseCat web upload:
The data on your desktop is uploaded for the selected periods. The data uploaded depends on your route plans. All the route plans up to the date entered by you are uploaded. All the daily plans for all the days up to the date entered will be part of the data. If you process only for current date, the routes scheduled for the day alone will be visible in the mobile app.
Selected number of previous inventory records for each item are also available to the field staff. This helps them know the last sale date and sale rate for any item for all the parties in the route.
Current stock is also uploaded.
Please note that changes to the data made after the upload date/time will not be reflected in the android mobile. But you can always upload the data after any major change so that the field staff can get the updated data. The field staff need to be informed to refresh their data by importing it once again.
WiseCat App Features:
Confirm your visit to the party using OTPs
Take orders from your customer
Clarify accounts status with ledger and receivables
Accept payments and give digital receipts.
Export this data for facilitating invoicing & despatch, if there is an emergency situation for your customer.
WiseCat Web Download:
This option downloads the field data of orders and collections into your desktop database, for generating invoices and for updating payment records. Thus when the salesman is sitting in the customer premises, you could be generating the invoice for the order that he has taken seconds earlier.